This isn't uncommon.... the night before the session jitters. I get a message saying " I don't know about this, Im not really feeling the session tomorrow"... and in I step, to talk someone off the ledge. Calm down... YOU'RE ENOUGH....YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL....YOU'RE GOING TO DO AMAZING.... WE GOT YOU!
We hear you insecurities, we hear you say your "flaws", your "less-than", or "more-than"... We hear it, and we are here for you, not only in spite of those things, but BECAUSE of those things. When we started doing these sessions we weren't envisioning working with models. We weren't for a second thinking, "lets market to the early 20 somethings with rock hard bodies, and zero percent body fat". ( No shame in that either, it just isn't something that would fully resonate with us... ya know, us moms.... the moms who have somewhat lost themselves along the way.... the moms who would sure as hell love a day to themselves, or heck, half a day.... To brush their hair, and teeth!... To have quite time, but also fun girl time... To get their hair and makeup done to celebrate where they are in life and the messy path it took to get there)... We want to just celebrate women in all shapes and sizes and all their beautiful forms. It isn't about a session with the least amount of close as humanly possibly, its just about us giving women confidence to feel good in their owns skin, as much as they're ready to show. Be it, a little thigh, some cleave, implied nude with a sheet covering the bits, or some killer silhouette shots. It doesn't have to be intimidating once you're there. It's getting you there thats the tricky part. Its the night before a boudoir session and you're thinking "are my underwear sexy enough? and if they are are they too sexy? I don't know how to be sexy!"
So, take a deep breath, reach out to us if you need to! If we need to talk you off a ledge we will, and we swear these are sessions that are MOST APPRECIATED and most welcomed ( more-so afterwards) by the most apprehensive of clients.
We also have wardrobe options photographed below and many many more, that are geared towards photographing well. We are really trying to take all the difficult parts out of the client experience as possible, to minimize objections some may have in their inner dialogue. Just come and enjoy yourself. You'll feel your nerves melting away within minutes once you see how incredibly descriptive we are during these sessions.